Saturday, July 5, 2008


our plan for kayleigh's birthday WAS to go to marbles children's museum, but they were closed mondays (thanks for the heads up katrina). we ended up going a couple days later & it was a BLAST. they have an imax theater also, so we went to see kung fu panda afterwards. it was pretty cute. i hope the museums here are fun. we're heading to the zoo monday!

kayleigh using wire clippers in the real tool area ...
...while ethan opted for the saw!

dress up!
kayleigh picked this hat out for me. good choice? heehe
a princess, of course!

i love this jacket - i wanted to buy it from them, lol.
they had a 1/2 pirate ship. it was super neat. the kids could swab the deck,
walk the plank,
look through the porthole,

and drop anchor!

the obligatory self-timer-family-picture. :)
a good day was had by all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks like we missed you by a couple days. That totally stinks. To think that we could've met up!!!!!