Tuesday, February 19, 2008

two scoooops.

i forgot to mention! i started weight watchers yesterday. i really do love it, as it really helps with portion control. i'm doing the nursing program which gives you 10 extra points every day. i am not sure how long i will keep up with the extra points, but it's nice to have them now since i'm always STARVING! we'll see if i've lost anythign in a couple weeks, and i'll go from there.
my "goal weight" is ideally 105. but i'll take anything under 110 as long as it's FIRM, lol. i'm 131 right now, and have been since a week after norah was born. i was 118 when i got pregnant with her, but was definitely at least 10 pouds over weight. and not at all firm, lol.
i'm really determined this time. i'm going to start back at the ymca next week. i've been pumping a little so john can stay with the baby. when he leaves in a few weeks for texas, she'll be old enough to go in the child watch. now that ethan's in underpants (his name for them, lol), he can go in the playzone (think tubes/slides/climbing stuff), so i think he'll be more inclined to stay. before he'd have to go in the child watch, which is basically a babyish daycare type place.
i was planning on going while kayleigh's in school, but i don't think that will work out with ethan. if there are no other kids there, he'd probably not want to stay & play... so when i go once john leaves, it will probably be after i pick kayleigh up from school, so they can both play .... but we'll see. i just really need to get back in shape. i hate how everything is fitting right now, and i refuse to buy everything in bigger sizes.
oh, and we're going to circus saturday morning!! i am so excited. i went every year growing up, until i graduated high school, lol. i was a little anti-circus for a while after reading/seeing some things that were pretty horrific, but they weren't ringling bros. .... i'm sure it's still not the most humane, but hopefully they're nicer to their animals than the ones that i read about. the kids are super excited. still have to find out if camera are allowed....


Deann H said...

We always take cameras to Ringling Bros circus! Went there every year growing up, and have taken the kids 2x now! I have to read up on lighting and play around with settings there. The first time I ended up with lots of blurred lights in my photos..LOL
Have FUN!!

Anonymous said...

3.4 lbs is more than a LITTLE, esp. at your size!! You are inspiring me. Maybe I should go back to WW online. Are you doing online or in person?

jenn said...

libbe, i'm doing it online. i'm much to lazy (and busy , lol) to do it in person!

and believe me, i haven't been "little" in a long time! ww will help a lot, but the gym is going to be essential. even if i lose 20 pounds, my belly still had a long way to go, lol!